The Rainbow Baby and the Golden Baby
A rainbow baby appears after a storm: when their older sibling has sadly gone to heaven.
Time went by and the little companion baby noticed his mum’s tummy growing again. Everyone was optimistic but nervous. The little boy was convinced that the baby was looking after a Ninja Turtle Tower inside his mum’s tummy, which he would give to him when he arrived.
The faithful rainbow baby would always kick in response when his mum gave him a nudge. His kicks were so powerful that he could kick his big brother in the back when he sat on his mummy’s lap.
Life carried on as normal, although Mummy couldn’t carry him anymore and they invented a game called Bumpy Bumpy by which he would sit on his mum’s lap as she slowly shuffled down the stairs on her bottom.
On exactly a year to the day that his angel brother had gone to heaven, Mum and Dad dropped him off to Nana and Grandad and they sped off to the hospital. He had kissed his Mum’s bump goodbye and hoped to see them soon.
It was 3 weeks and a day before the baby was meant to arrive, so Mum and Dad were flabbergasted to hear that the baby was coming any minute. Mummy was wheeled into a room and all the doctors and nurses came rushing in from their tea break to help.
Within 15 minutes The Rainbow Baby was safely cuddled up to his Mummy and Daddy.
The little boy bounded in with a toy baby turtle for his tiny brother. He was so excited to see him that he wanted to pick him up and hold him high just like the scene when Simba is born in The Lion King!
The Rainbow Baby and the companion baby had lots of fun together, making a mess and finding out about the world together.
As the Rainbow Baby grew up he loved drawing, painting, and creating.
“Am I creative because I was born under a rainbow?” he asked.
The Rainbow baby also pointed out that, “If you look up at the clouds and see a bright hole, that’s where The Angel Baby and all our loved ones are watching us from.”
Our Rainbow baby is very proud of his title. He is well aware that his arrival was a bright, colourful rainbow after the storm of suffering and heartbreak.
2 years after our Rainbow Baby we had another little boy, who is a ray of sunshine with a hearty laugh and a friendly, kind, and understanding nature.
One day, our 2 youngest boys were chatting about being a Rainbow Baby, and the youngest announced proudly that he is a Golden Baby.
To my surprise, I discovered that he is right! According to Google, a golden baby is a baby that is born after a rainbow baby. This baby symbolizes the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, and the luck parents feel at having two healthy babies in a row. This quote is not attributed to an author but was written on 14 Oct 2018, which was our Golden Baby’s 2nd Birthday!
According to the Cambridge dictionary, a Golden boy is a man who is very successful and is much admired, although often only temporarily. Our Golden Baby continues to amaze us every day!
The phrase “You’re golden” means you have everything you need and you’re good to go!” That is definitely true for us and our three Musketeers!
“A child’s giggle is worth one hundred pounds of gold.”
― Amy Leigh Mercree