8 of the Best Back-to-School Movies for Kids after Lockdown
Snuggle up with these feel-good movies before School restarts after lockdown

- Wonder
This inspiring film follows the story of a little boy going to school for the first time ever and how it affects him and his family. Parents might need tissues at the ready when they wave him off for the first time!
2. Inside Out
This story follows a little girl moving to a new area thus a new school and highlights the impact that the transition has on her emotions. After this movie, you might like to try the Balloon activity below, to help acknowledge and release your own emotions about returning to school.
3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
As Harry ventures to wizarding school for the first time, It may make our children thankful that they won’t have to encounter any magical creatures at their schools!
When you’ve finished the film you could take part in a Harry Potter-themed Cosmic Kids Yoga class!
4. Captain Underpants
This hilarious movie will remind children that they will have fun with their friends at school. Please note that hypnotizing the Headteacher in real life is not a good plan!
5. Toy Story 4
We can share Bonnie’s trepidation as she embarks on her school career. She has the brainwave of creating Forky who makes her feel much better. Perhaps they can make their own Forky, to help them find their Brave.
6. Monsters University
This action-packed Monster movie will hopefully inspire the kids to train hard like Mike Wyzowski and his friends on their quest to become the greatest scarer. It might inspire you and your children to make your own worry monster ahead of the return to school.
7. High School Musical
Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic, the anthem “We’re all in this together” has been very popular. Singing and dancing along to this may chase away the Back-to-School Blues!
8. Finding Nemo
Watching Nemo make a splash into the Big Blue World after staying safely with his Dad for so long, may help us come to terms with going back to school after Lockdown. The kids may also enjoy Nick Ward’s book, ‘Don’t Eat the Teacher” in preparation for returning to school!
Please share your favourite Back-to-School movies and activities. Good luck on the 8th March!